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Edward Farrington

Partner, European Patent Attorney

Representative before the UPC

PhD (Chemistry), MSc (Chemistry)

My background and fields of specialization

Patent consultancy
Obtaining patent protection on chemical inventions, for large industrial clients and start-up firms. And then defending these patents in subsequent opposition proceedings. Because it’s when your cases are under attack that you learn most about them.

Focus areas and educational background
I qualified as a European Patent Attorney in 2006.

CEIPI Patent Litigation course 2012

I have a Masters degree in general chemistry, and a PhD in catalytic organic chemistry from Oxford University, UK.

Technical fields of specialization
An experienced European Patent Attorney within the fields of: organic chemistry, food chemistry, polymer chemistry, inorganic chemistry, process chemistry, industrial chemistry, medical devices, papermaking processes and renewables

Opposition and appeal procedures at the European Patent Office. Highly experienced with oral proceedings and opposition strategy.

Nine years of experience at other patent agent firms prior to Inspicos.


I have a general interest in smart technologies, especially those which improve the health and welfare of society and the environment. I hope that this interest is reflected in my enthusiasm for my daily work

At eye level

I love listening to music and socializing with friends and family – and preferably both at the same time! In the summer, I spend time in my foldable kayak, patented with US patent no. 8 316 788 B2