Inspicos webinar - EO case law update 13 June 2024

Presentation by Jakob Pade Frederiksen og Edward Farrington

SPC Status April 2024

Presentation by Ulla Klinge, 18 April 2024 

Safeguards when making EPO payments

Edward Farrington, Article in Intellectual Managing Property, April 2024

EPO tightens up on strict European amendment practice

Szonja Szenczi-Molnár, Article in Intellectual Managing Property, February 2024

Inspicos webinar - EPO case law update 7 December 2023

Presentation by Jakob Pade Frederiksen og Edward Farrington

EPC rules on signature validity in patent application assignments

Edward Farrington, Article in Intellectual Managing Property, October 2023

New referral to EPO over hidden internal structure or composition in prior art

Edward Farrington, Article in Managing Intellectual Property, September 2023

Diverging EPO appeal decisions regarding the use of videoconferencing

Jakob Pade Frederiksen, Article i Managing Intellectual Property, June 2023

The UPC - Current status

Presentation by Peter Koefoed, 22 May 2023

What became of plausibility? G2/21 reviewed

Presentation by Peter Koefoed, 22 May 2023

Updates to the EPO Guidelines

Presentation by Edward Farrington, 22 May 2023

Seminar 22 May 2023

Presentations made by Peter Koefoed and Edward Farrington, Inspicos

EPO Enlarged Board of Appeal

Jakob Pade Frederiksen – Article in Managing Intellectual Property, April 2023

Supplementary protection certificates - where are we heading?

Ulla Klinge – presentation from webinar, April 2022

Preparing for the Unitary Patent

Jakob Pade Frederiksen – Article in Managing Intellectual Property, May 2022

EPO: Enlarged Board to consider entitlement to priority

Jakob Pade Frederiksen – article in Managing Intellectual Property, April 2022

EPO Enlarged Board of Appeal decision G 1/21 (ViCo) and pending referral G 2/21 (plausibility)

Jakob Pade Frederiksen and Peter Koefoed, presentation from webinar, January 2022

Legality of video proceedings at the EPO questioned

Jakob Pade Frederiksen – article in Managing Intellectual Property, April 2021

EPO Enlarged Board of Appeal Decision G 1-19

Jakob Pade Frederiksen and Peter Koefoed, presentation from webinar, June 2021

EPO: Enlarged Board considers patentability of simulations

Peter Koefoed – Article in Managing Intellectual Property, May 2021

EPO: Non-proven facts introduced ex officio

Jakob Pade Frederiksen – Article in Managing Intellectual Property, February 2021

EPO: The EPO moves further towards oral proceedings via video conference

Edward Farrington – Article in Managing Intellectual Property June 2020

Plausibility at the EPO

Selected Recent Case Law – 2020

EPO Plants which are not patentable

Peter Koefoed – article in Managing Intellectual Property, July 2020

The Inventor


The Basics of EPO Oppositions

Edward Farrington

Appeal Proceedings at the EPO New Rules of Procedure

Do the new Rules of Procedure make
things “Haar’der”?

Edward Farrington, Jakob Pade Frederiksen (2019)

Amendments before the EPO

Edward Farrington – 2019

Internet Disclosures (2017)

Software and Business Methods National Security Provision