
UPC Team

DSC00010 Pp Pp Copy
Partner, European Patent Attorney
Doctor of Medical Sciences, MSc Physics and Chemistry
DSC00123 Pp Pp Copy
European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
MSc Civil Eng., BSc Economics (HD)
DSC08317 Edit Pp Copy
Partner, European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
PhD (Chemistry), MSc (Chemistry)
DSC00045 Pp Pp Copy
CEO, Managing Partner, European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
MSc (Mech.Eng)
DSC07197 Edit Pp Copy
CFO, Partner, European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
MSc Physics
DSC07232 Edit Pp Copy
European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
PhD, MSc (Technical Physics)
DSC09690 Pp Pp Copy
Partner, European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
MSc (Mech.Eng.)
DSC09926 Pp Pp Copy
Partner, European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
MSc (Human Biology)
DSC08415 Edit Pp Copy
Partner, European Patent Attorney, Head of Aarhus Branch
Representative before the UPC
PhD, MSc (Elec.Eng.)
DSC09804 Pp Pp Copy
Of Counsel, European Patent Attorney
Representative before the UPC
PhD (law), MSc (Chem.Eng.)